So I went Christmas shopping yesterday, and this is the first time I was on a serious budget. Seriously was hitting up the stores that had for real sales! I did not use any credit cards or go into my "secret" sash of money. Nope... just used what little I had to make literally a few purchases. Anyone who knows me knows I love to buy gifts for people, and I don't shop cheap! LoL! Nope... I am the friend who people love to receive a present from, because you know that it came from the heart.Or at least I like to think so... LoL! :-) I found myself some what discouraged, because I could not buy for all the people I wanted to buy for, nor could I even afford to buy some Christmas cards to mail out to people.
However, I had to stop and think... Christmas is not about buying gifts or even receiving gifts. Its not about putting up a tree or going to Christmas parties. Its really about the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Its about how God blessed the world with the greatest gift of all... His only begotten son (John 3:16). Jesus is the reason the reason for the season. We often times get caught up in the commercialism of the holiday season that we forgot what this day is really about.
This season lets not forget. This season lets not stop celebrating the birth of Jesus. Everyday should be day of celebration that the King has been born! Make sure to take time out and thank God for the greatest gift that He gave us all... Jesus! Emmanuel!
You are so right. My family hasn't celebrated the holiday season with gifts in years. It's not right for single moms and others to get so stressed over having enough for gifts or going in debt just for gifts. Everyone needs to remember the reason for the season.